Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Shrimp Broccoli

4 Servings of Shrimp Broccoli
130 Kcal per serving

12 peeled shrimps (150g)
3.5 cups broccoli (350g)
2 cloves garlic
1 Tbsp cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp salt
1 tsp white peppercorn powder

Pretty in orange color when cooked, shrimps contain astaxanthin, a lipid-soluble powerful antioxidant, that can help you look and feel better.  With zero glycemic index(GI=0, 100g), shrimps provide high proteins (100g, 21g proteins), and essential omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA (100g, 350 mg EPA/DHA) that clinically proved to help reduce risk factors for heart disease, including lowering down blood cholesterol and blood pressure.  Broccoli in this dish not only provide color contrast to boost appetites, but also provides high fibers (100g, 3g fibers), and low calories (100g, 34 Kcal).  Broccoli contains abundant vitamin K and folic acid, and lot of phytochemical antioxidants, such as thiocyanates, indoles, sulforaphane, isothiocyanates, flavonoids, beta-carotene, cryptoxanthin, lutein, zeta-xanthin, that can protect us fight against free radicals.  Olive Oil can help increase astaxanthin and vitamin K absorption.  The sulfur-containing allicin in garlic has ability to inhibit cholesterol synthesis, and has anti-microbial activities.   Enjoy this delicious dish full of health benefits!

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